Burnout and stress in the routine work becomes part familiar to urban residents. Some people will usually schedule a vacation to relieve tired moment. Well this tourist destination can be an unforgettable experience to spend a holiday.
Toyoma Bay in Central Japan Sea, in the evening will present a rare show for the tourists. Every year around March to June, a large number of scattered luminous squid Area coastline with sparkling blue color that makes the atmosphere of the night there is very exotic.
Firefly Squid (Watasenia scintillans), 3-inch squid emit light to attract prey and also to attract the hearts of other squid to be a partner in this breeding season.
They use specialized light-emitting organs called photophore, which can be found throughout the body of the squid. They are usually found 600-1200 meters under the sea, but because of the strong waves during this season, they are eventually carried to the shoreline.
Mating and nesting season of Firefly Squid occur from March to June each year. During this season, millions of squid gather in Toyama Bay to fertilize eggs and lay their eggs in the sand.
At the same time, many tourists flock to the beach to watch the show are rare and exceptional. Unfortunately, in addition to being a popular tourist attraction, Firefly Squid also commonly used as a delicious meal in Toyama.
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» Blue light sparkling in Toyama Bay Coastline
Blue light sparkling in Toyama Bay Coastline
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